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Power Of Silence by Titan Man

Budhha said,

weak people revenge
strong people forgive.
intelligent people ignore!

That means intelligent people follow silence and the person who learnt the lesson

that how to remain silence, no one can stop that person from moving forward in life!

when we born It takes 2 years to learn to speak, But believe me the whole life

is so short to learn how to become silence and to learn what, when, where and how much to speak. words are very powerful, it can change someone’s life.

It can destroy someone’s life, or it can transform someone’s life!

Words are so incredibly powerful. choose your words wisely”

Plato once said.

Wise Men Speak Because They Have Something To Say;
Fools Because They Have To Say Something.

It seems to me that a lot of times we talk just we won’t keep quiet,

thinking that silence is something to be ashamed of, something to be avoided. some people considered talkative people as intelligent people. But it’s not true!

Successful people always have two things on their lips. Silence and a smile

Silence is a precious gift

we give to ourselves.

In that space between our words,

not only do we find ourselves,

but we can also hear

our own heart, soul and intuition talking to us..” ~

Luminita D. Saviuc SAID,

you know there would be times,

when people are gonna judge you or criticize you

according to their opinion

and they are not gonna understand you

no matter how much you talk or try to explain yourself.

It would be waste.

In that situation remember what Mandy Hale said

Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence.

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say

is nothing at all.

So, I want you to promise yourself from now

that you will speak only when you feel

that your words are better than your silence.

silence is better than unnecessary drama!

So today I will tell you 5 Principles on Silence That Every Successful People Follow!

Number 1. Silence is a source of great strength,” says Lao Tzu

This quote is a reminder that sometimes,

the best thing you can do is just be quiet.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget the power of silence.

When things seem to be controllable,

when someone did something wrong to distract you,

to make you feel down and you get angry.

and you lost your temper.

now there are two options in front of you.

number 1, you start yelling at them, trying to prove yourself, explaining things.

This would waste your energy.

Number 2, you can take a step back, slowing down and be quiet.

It can actually be incredibly powerful.

You don’t have to explain anything to anyone!

there is power in stillness and quiet.

In a world that is constantly moving and full of noise,

it can be easy to overlook the benefits of silence.

But when we take the time to be quiet and still,

we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Silence can be a powerful tool for decision-making When we are quiet, we can tune out distractions and

focus on what is truly important.

This can help us make more informed and thoughtful decisions.

Silence can also be a source of strength for self-reflection.

It allows us to take a step back

and reflect on our thoughts and feelings.

When we are quiet,

we can listen to our inner voice

and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.

This can lead to personal growth and self-awareness

Number 2. He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.

Only those that truly know you

can understand your silence, not just your words.

if a person cannot understand your silence,

how will they properly understand your words when you do speak?

Silence is as much a part of communication as rests are a part of music.

Without the rests, without the silence,

there is no pause, there is no reflection. Just noise

Silence is the best answer to someone.

who does not value your words!

Number 3. Work hard in silence, let your success make the noise.

When it comes to working hard towards your goals and accomplishing something, there are two types of people.

Type one: Those who set goals and go shout it out to whoever will listen.

Type two: Those who set goals and work hard towards them in silence.

When we tell people what we intend to achieve,

we instill in ourselves to a certain degree,

a premature sense of achievement.

We feel a sense of pride in letting people know

what we aspire to do,

Instead, work hard in silence.

Achieve your goals and let your success make all the noise.

Remember, there's only one lion in the jungle.

Going alone may make you feel lonely,

but it also sets you apart from the herd.

Be obsessive and passionate about your work,

and prove those who doubted you wrong.

So, roll up your sleeves and get going.

Your hard work will pay off someday.

Let your success make the noise!

It’s important to remain humble. Don’t go on announcing every small win, let your success make the noise for you.

Number 4. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

We can tolerate almost everything,

but we can’t let our friends go

without being concerned about our feelings.

We realize that our friends are our most valuable things,

and it hurts us much

when we are apart from them.

We expect our friends to be there for us

and to stand out for us.

“The silence of our friends,”

four simple yet powerful words,

struck me in an unexpected way.

He was correct; silence from people whom we expect to have

our backs might make us wonder

who our true friends are.

The “silence” is what we remember the most

and is often the source of the most grief.

What hurts is not when our enemies criticise us,

but when we seek support from those

we trust and are left alone instead

Number 5. I often regret that I have spoken; never that I have been silent

A harshly spoken word is un-eraseable. Often silence is the best option.

Do you regret in life?

just try to remember. how many times you just spoke

and everything messed up in your life

and now you regret and keep telling yourself

that I wish I would have been silence then.

Many times, right?

Even I did the same,

But right now, i meditate and I mostly stay silence.

I don’t waste my words and energy on anyone or anything!

Silence is sometimes the best answer.” Dalai Lama

Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know -
Silence is the ultimate weapon of power.
Lao Tzu

Silence teaches us how to react to our problems

we all face problems in life

But your problem is not the problem

your reaction is the problem.

If we all know the power of silence

and know how to stay calm

then 90% of our problems would be solved automatically.

so one of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master

how to remain calm and silence.

Time and silence are the most luxurious things today.

Thank you so much.

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